Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Movie Review: Due Date

Due Date is a comedy directed by Todd Phillips. Its a touching tale of man meets bearded man. Bearded man is strange. Man and Bearded Man must travel across country. Mary-jew-wanna scene. Dog Jacking off. Man and Bearded man have lots of adventures.
To be fair, I wasn't expecting much from this film. It seemed like a funny movie, but I wasn't super excited. Then I watched it. I love it.
Basically Robert Downey Jr. plays a easily angered, and focused business man. While Zach Galifankas plays a fat funny and strange character. Or EVERY role he has ever done. Except that one "Visioneers" movie... anyways.
So...blah blah blah, Zach is weird. Blah blah blah, incident on the plane, blah blah, they must travel across country to reach Robert Downey's wife, who is going to be giving birth in 2 days. Its not that the plot is weak, but the jokes during the first 10 minutes ARE. Its just a lot of setup to the main point: THE JOURNEY!
So as they travel they meet strange character and do strange things. Its not the most original format, but Todd Phillips has a way with this format and it shows. The characters are funny and the situtations are bizarre. And when the duo make a trip to Mexico the movie becomes down right insane.
I love this movie. But its far from perfect. Some of the jokes fall flat, I could care less about his wife. ( They kinda make her look like a bitch) But the Ending is byfar the craziest and funniest sequence I've seen all year.
I recommend this movie, if you love Todd Phillips, Road Trip, The Hangover or Zach Galifankas. Or maybe Dogs that jerk off. 4/5!

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