Thursday, December 2, 2010

Dancing Eggs, must be from the Finnish!

Mythical Creatures- YOU DONT KNOW! #3

Bakezori- A creature from Japanese folklore. It is a straw zori sandal that has transformed into a living creature due to a yokai (spirit). They run through peoples' homes and yell "kararin, kororin, kankororin!"

Its Fringe Thursday!!!! (TM pending)

Today is Fringe Thursday(TM pending). Tonight's episode is goning to be CRAZY, but in a good way. Not in LOST kinda way, which usually meant a last minute cliff hanger that someone is somewhere and coming to something. And then is never seen again, or dies the next episode.huuuu..... Oh yeah Fringe!!!

Anyway, tonight is the big (SPOILER) Olivia reveal. Our Olivia is over there, and Fauxlivia has been screwing Peter over here. And watching Casablanca. Which was made over there but starred Ronald Reagan (THE ACTOR?!) Then Peter gets a phone call from maid lady who says somthing and BOOM! Peter now knows that the chick he's been banging is NOT the chick he thought it was. Dun Dun Dunnnnnn!

And back in the alternate universe after some help from Magical negro Henry the cabbie, Olivia knows she is not the Fauxlivia but the real Olivia. And guess what so does Alt-Broyles and Walternate. OH SNAP! Now Olivia must escape and survive and so does Fauxliva.

What I love though is how well the writers have handled all this crazy stuff, and really kept it grounded on Olivia and Fauxlivia and their friends and family. Its nice to see that neither side is the bad guy PER SE, even Walterante showed his good side. And to be fair its really OUR fault that this is happening. To be specific, Walter's fault. I cant wait to see how this all turns out!!

Entrada will air Dec. 2, (TONITE) at 9/8c and is on FOX.

Kevin Bacon plays Kevin Bacon's biggest fan

"This Valley just one long smorgess board."

Too Much Kevin Bacon....I don't think so..I don't.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mythical Creatures- YOU DONT KNOW! #2

Asanbosam- Dwelling in West Africa it is a vampiric type creature. It has Iron teeth and iron claws for feet. It hangs from trees and attacks it victims from above, using the high ground. It is said to attack those who wander out into the night.

HEY EVERYONE!! Its the Super Music Friend Show!!

The Killers sing "Spaceship Adventure"

Xbox Rewards....REWARDS YOU!

Microsoft has officially activated the Xbox Rewards Program. There was a Beta early this year, but now its open to everyone. Be sure to sign up, and start earning those MS points.
BTW, your account will take around 36 hours to become active. Also, you will need to be a US or UK resident. (Sorry Canada.)

Nostalgic Flash: TaleSpin

I loved this show on the Disney Channel. Before all the crap like Hannah Montana and High School Musical, Disney was making amazing shows. And TaleSpin is my FAVORITE. I loved the characters and the planes and everything that Baloo, the pilot said.
It is a all time classic. Hell IGN called it the 82 best animated cartoon of all time. And I agree. Its a amazing show. And now when I watch it I see the wonderful art direction and smooth animation. All things that seem to be disappearing in modern cartoons. (well except the Venture Bros.)

Mythical Creatures- YOU DONT KNOW!

Astomi- This is a mythical creature that has no mouth. It survives on smells, especially of apples and flowers. They are mentioned to be at the river mouth of the Ganges in India(Click to see Magic from India!). They have rough and hairy bodies. Also, if they smell somthing foul, they drop dead. Which sucks cuz they throw corpses in that river now and again.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Puss in Boots....THE MOVIE!

Remember in Shrek 2, Puss in Boots was a great addition to the cast and made the movie feel fresh and funny. Remember how he was perfectly balanced by Donkey's crazed humor and Shrek's almost deadpan style. Yaa....I loved him. Then the next two films killed the Shrek franchise for me. But hey, the studio has decided that a great SIDEKICK should get his own film. Yeaahhh!!!! Its sad that Hollywood has come to this. Really. A spinoff prequel of a fantasy parody series. Well its not as bad as the "Steel" spinoff movie thing.

Movie Review: Due Date

Due Date is a comedy directed by Todd Phillips. Its a touching tale of man meets bearded man. Bearded man is strange. Man and Bearded Man must travel across country. Mary-jew-wanna scene. Dog Jacking off. Man and Bearded man have lots of adventures.
To be fair, I wasn't expecting much from this film. It seemed like a funny movie, but I wasn't super excited. Then I watched it. I love it.
Basically Robert Downey Jr. plays a easily angered, and focused business man. While Zach Galifankas plays a fat funny and strange character. Or EVERY role he has ever done. Except that one "Visioneers" movie... anyways.
So...blah blah blah, Zach is weird. Blah blah blah, incident on the plane, blah blah, they must travel across country to reach Robert Downey's wife, who is going to be giving birth in 2 days. Its not that the plot is weak, but the jokes during the first 10 minutes ARE. Its just a lot of setup to the main point: THE JOURNEY!
So as they travel they meet strange character and do strange things. Its not the most original format, but Todd Phillips has a way with this format and it shows. The characters are funny and the situtations are bizarre. And when the duo make a trip to Mexico the movie becomes down right insane.
I love this movie. But its far from perfect. Some of the jokes fall flat, I could care less about his wife. ( They kinda make her look like a bitch) But the Ending is byfar the craziest and funniest sequence I've seen all year.
I recommend this movie, if you love Todd Phillips, Road Trip, The Hangover or Zach Galifankas. Or maybe Dogs that jerk off. 4/5!

Hello World....

This is Zack Zwiezen. I have created this Blog because I need a place to post nostalgic images, strange ideas, rumors Ive heard and other crazy things. I have a HUGE interest in video games and movies. But thats not all you will see on this blog. Any-mic-who, Just stay tuned. I will be bringing you all kinds of things in the soon to be soon future....